Inspirational, her knowledge is remarkable
Dr Anna Bortoli is a special education and autism consultant and a former Assistant Principal and Lecturer. As a consultant she provides professional learning and in-situ training with teachers about strategies and approaches for students and young children with developmental delays or autism. Her research work relates to the areas of Structured Teaching, Executive Skills for Learning, Functional Assessment, Curriculum and ILPs. She delivers tertiary training and Masterclasses in ASD and ADHD. She is TEACCH® Certified Practitioner Level and has received training through Division TEACCH®, enabling her to implement a Structured Teaching approach with teachers and parents. Anna is committed to the professional growth of practitioners in the field of special education.
Inspirational and charismatic, Anna’s vast knowledge in this area, combined with her interactive and engaging teaching style and thoughtful use of case study material has made her one of Compass’s most requested trainers.
"I raced back to my classroom to implement some more structure into my room and WOW - what a difference. I now have the teacher directed, student directed and independent work stations all set up and it flows beautifully"
Classroom Teacher Education Support Centre
“Anna is inspirational, her knowledge is remarkable”
Special Education Coordinator
“Great presenter, great strategies”
Special Education Teacher
“The seminar was great and very informative. Very well presented”
Disability and Impairments Co-ordinator
AUTISM FRIENDLY CLASSROOMS: Engaging Students in Independent Learning
This workshop shows you how Structured Teaching can enable your ASD students to access the curriculum in a meaningful way and offers many practical strategies to facilitate this process. Throughout this workshop, actual video footage of a classroom will be used so you will have the opportunity to hear and see how Structured Teaching is implemented at a specialist Australian school for students with ASD.
EXECUTIVE SKILLS in the CLASSROOM: Organising the Disorganised Child
This one-day workshop introduces the key theories and explanations surrounding Executive Functioning within the context of learning and social interaction skills of students. It will introduce practical skills and evidence base strategies to address independence, planning and organisation that are fundamental skills in today’s classrooms. Using both lecture and experiential exercises the concepts, assessments and interventions of Execuctive Functioning will be applied and practiced using small group activities, case studies and individual work scenarios. Anna has developed an executive functioning course, which will help teachers and other professionals address the essential skills that children require to navigate life’s demands in both learning and social situations. Learn more here
VISUAL LEARNING: Practical Strategies for Young People on the Spectrum
This workshop gives a foundation in the key concepts and theory of Visual Learning, as well as practical skills, to use your practice,workplace or home-life to help improve the functioning and quality of life for young people with ASD. Providing simple, effective tools to assistin the education of students with special education needs based on their strength as Visual Learners they can be adapted for use with youngchildren and older learners with a range of educational needs, including nonverbal learners. Using both lecture and experiential exercises the concepts, strategies and interventions of Visual Learning will be applied and practiced using small group activities, case studies andindividual work scenarios.
COMPLEX BEHAVIOUR IN AUTISM: Making Sense - Making Progress
This seminar explores the psychological constructs relating to the behaviour characteristics of ASD. These constructs help answer a question asked by so many professionals and teachers - 'Why do they do that?" This practical seminar bridges the psychological constructs of ASD with a range of positive behaviour technologies to address the complex behaviours of ASD such as physical aggression, self-injury, verbal abuse, rudeness and property damage.
These topics can be delivered as a keynote or workshop for educators, practitioners and parents.
Anna also provides on-site instructional coaching to VIC and NSW schools wishing to implement successful Autism friendly learning environments based on the Structured Teaching approach.