Greg Yee

Greg Yee


Shame | Domestic and Family Violence


Insightful and compassionate

Greg Yee has been an individual, couple and family therapist since 1990, with a particular focus on domestic violence and general misuse of power in the home. Over the past 30 yrs of private practice, he has divided his time between seeing clients, supervising individuals and teams and conducting training workshops. Greg has previously delivered his ‘Family Violence” workshop for Compass, and is returning to deliver this new workshop in response to a consistent theme he has witnessed clients and supervisees raise both directly and indirectly over many years - Shame 

Greg presents with insight, clarity, and compassion in providing a safe interactive process to stimulate mutual learning, insight and discovery of often ubiquitous, yet hidden subjects.





The Toxic Emotion 

Shame is painful, hard-wired, rapid response, primitive emotion. It is often activated by the loss of relationship connection or threat of demotion or exclusion. Being an emotional experience that can be intensely painful, shame has the capacity to negatively impact self worth and how a person relates to others. The experience of toxic, maladaptive shame is so destructive, it is closely associated with most major mental health issues including depression, body image and eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, drug and alcohol abuse, violence , social anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress and suicide.


Coming in 2023

Presenter: Greg Yee (AUS)

Duration: 7 Hours (one day) workshop to professionals along with conferences and keynotes.

Book Greg for your next event!



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